RABYA General Contractors
Rabya is a diversified company that is engaged in various
activities like general construction, electro-mechanical,
finishing, urban planning and landscaping, as well as light industry,
trading, and horticultural operations.
RABYA since 1974
Rabya was established in 1974 by
Sheikh Abdul Kader Alfadl.
RABYA in the Middle East
Operates throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
as well as in the neighboring countries of
Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, and Lebanon.
RABYA Construction
The Construction Division is an ISO
9001:2008-certified general contractors.
RABYA Urban Planning
& Landscaping
The Urban Planning and Landscaping Division is a
pioneer and leader in its field.
RABYA Electro-Mechanical
The Electro-Mechanical Division has joined
the ranks of the leading electro-mechanical
companies in KSA.
RABYA Light Industries
Specialized in woodworks, aluminum works,
steel works, ducting, cable trays, and
galvanized conduits, to name a few.
RABYA Hospital Construction
Created in 1990 in response to the
specialized needs of the healthcare industry
in KSA.
RABYA Trading
The Trading Division is an agent, distributor, and
installer of some of the most respected and
world-renowned brands of building materials.
The Farm Division is a major producer and
wholesaler in the Gulf region of indoor and
outdoor plants, fruits and vegetables.
RABYA Project Management
The Project Management Division provides clients with
complete project managemet solutions with its team
of dynamic specialists.