Language Center Locations
A Global Education company

Berlitz Saudi Arabia

Berlitz Head office
012-6549097 / 6545960 / 6540686

Berlitz Riyadh Men
011-2071010 / 8108025 / 8120953

Berlitz Riyadh Ladies

Berlitz Jeddah Men
012-2631650 / 2631652 / 2631654 / 263165 / 2631649

Berlitz Jeddah Ladies (1)
012-2889879 / 6681815

Berlitz Jeddah Ladies (2)
012-6540686 / 6545960 / 6549097

Berlitz Khobar Men
013-8931813 / 8935561

Berlitz Khobar Ladies
013-8975535 / 8976566

Berlitz Makkah Men
012-5503335 / 5503335

Berlitz Makkah Ladies

Berlitz Levels &Course Material

A. Absolute Beginner – no ability in the language or knowledge limited to isolated words and/or phrases. Pre-level 1 + literacy program for true beginners.


Level 1. Knowledge of the language is sufficient to communicate in a very limited way, with the simplest oral and listening tasks and situations.

Level 2. At the functional level, the users have a basic command of the language needed in a limited range of simple, routine and familiar tasks and situations.


Level 3. Users can handle most uncomplicated communicative tasks and routine social and work situations. They can follow the general meaning of a conversation about familiar subjects.

Level 4. At the intermediate level, users are able to re-fashion and combine learned material to meet their immediate communication and learning needs. They are able to comprehend information on familiar topics in contextualized settings and produce sustained conversation with others on an expanding variety of general topics.


Level 5. Users can, to an extent, initiate, sustain and conclude most routine communicative tasks for personal and work needs.

Level 6. At the upper intermediate level the users have assimilated the essentials of the language. They can communicate competently and comfortably in many personal contexts, and can find different ways of formulating what they want to express.


Level 7. Users can begin to create with the language in more complex, cognitively demanding situations, and are able to use it as a means for learning in other personal, academic or professional areas.

Level 8. At the advanced levels users communicate effectively and appropriately even in demanding oral tasks and situations, like conducting a meeting. They can participate easily in social and professional conversations, and can deal comfortably with most subjects over the telephone.


Level 9. Users communicate effectively with various audiences on a wide range of familiar and new topics to meet most personal, academic or professional demands – including many which presume experiences in public speaking and critical listening.

Level 10. At the professional level, users have full command of the language. They understand and can use virtually all linguistic structures as well as a range of vocabulary items as broad and deep as that of most educated native speakers. Communication is fluent, appropriate and well-organized. They can develop ideas in speech clearly and coherently.

Berlitz Material

The success of Berlitz also continues in our modern, practical course materials. With current topics from daily life situation and the world of business, the course materials are always interesting.

Therefore our course Materials are:

  • Innovative, goal-oriented course materials
  • Authentic content with practical relevance
  • Comprehensive multimedia materials: Exercise book, website, Audio CD, English magazine
  • Introduction to language for business already possible from Level 3 onwards

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Developed by Services TIME 2012